Privacy Policy

  1. About This Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how GROUPE SESAME INC., through our website, when using our mobile application, or in person at one of our SESAME restaurants (the “Site”, “we” or “our”), collects, uses, and discloses personal information (as defined below) of its visitors (“you”, “your” or “yours”).

We are committed to protecting your privacy rights and recognize the importance of safeguarding the information we collect about you. We have prepared this privacy policy to describe our practices regarding the personal information we collect:

- directly from users of our Site and recipients of our emails, including through the use of any of our services (via a mobile device, mobile application, or otherwise) or other offerings (collectively, the “Services”);

- when you purchase any of our products (“Products”); and

- as otherwise indicated in this privacy policy.

In conjunction with this privacy policy, you should also review our website terms of use (under the “Legal Notice” tab) for a more comprehensive understanding of the rules governing our Site, Products, and Services.

By visiting our Site, purchasing our Products, or using our Services, you acknowledge that we process your personal information in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy and understand that our collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information are as outlined in this privacy policy.

  1. Your Right to Control How Your Personal Information Is Used

You have the right to make requests regarding your personal information. You can:

- Review the personal information we hold about you or request a copy.

- Ask us to update or correct your personal information if it is inaccurate.

- Request that we delete your personal information.

- Disable the sharing of your personal information with third parties for certain purposes, including sharing that may be considered a sale under applicable laws.

- Object to certain types of uses of your personal information.

- Make choices regarding the receipt of email marketing.

- Inform us which “cookies” you would like us to use when you make online purchases.

These rights vary depending on where you reside. However, we will make reasonable efforts to honor your request, even if your country or state does not require us to do so. If you request us to delete or stop using your personal information, we may not be able to honor this request if the information is necessary to process your payments or returns, fulfill your order, or comply with tax, audit, or regulatory requirements.

To submit a request to access or delete your personal information, please contact us via email at

Regardless of your rights, we may not be able to modify or delete certain personal information if we are required to retain it to provide you with the Services you requested or to allow us to fulfill other obligations to you, for security reasons, to comply with applicable laws or regulations, for internal business reasons, or for any other valid reasons.

Additionally, information you have shared with others, such as your reviews or posts on forums, may remain publicly visible, and some copies of your information (e.g., log records, residual copies) may remain in our database, albeit anonymized.

  1. What Information Is Collected

We collect information about you in various ways:

4.1 Information you provide to us during a purchase.

4.2 Information we collect when you interact with our website or other applications, social media sites, and other products and services. This often involves information about your device such as IP addresses and MAC addresses, as well as information collected by “cookies”.

4.3 Information we collect about you from other sources, such as data analytics companies.

4.4 Information we generate ourselves after analyzing the information we have collected about you, such as your purchasing preferences.

  1. “Cookies”

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Like many commercial websites, we also automatically collect information electronically using cookies, commonly known as “cookies”. Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information. Most websites, including ours, would not function very well without certain cookies. These cookies help prevent system interruptions, display information, fix “bugs”, and ensure the security of our site (and your account). These types of cookies are often called “strictly necessary cookies”. Because they are essential for the proper functioning of our site, we do not offer you the option to disable these cookies. However, you can delete them using your browser settings. Keep in mind that some features of our site may then not be available to you.

Functional Cookies

Some cookies provide important services but are not strictly necessary for the operation of our website. These cookies use information about your interactions with us so we can suggest SESAME products and special offers.

Interest-Based Marketing and Targeting

We may use your personal information to deliver targeted ads or marketing communications that may interest you (interest-based advertising). Interest-based marketing is a way of delivering advertisements on websites you visit and making them more relevant to you based on your interests: shared interests are grouped based on previous web browsing activity, and web users are then served advertisements that match their shared interests. In this way, advertising can be made as relevant and useful as possible. Relevant advertisements may also be displayed based on the content of the website you just visited. This is known as retargeting (or remarketing).

  1. How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information to provide you with our products and services and to operate our business. We often use the information we collect for multiple purposes. For example, if you make a purchase on our website, we collect several types of data from you and use it in various ways:

- We may also use your contact information to send you a purchase receipt.

- We may review your experience on our website to make improvements and try to tailor it to your needs.

- We will also analyze the data you provide and your behavior on our website to ensure that activity is not fraudulent.

- We use your purchase information for other business purposes such as accounting and financial reporting.

- We may also combine information we collect from you with information we obtain from other sources. This can include your online and in-store purchase transactions and other interactions you have with us and our partners.

We often obtain your consent to use your personal information. But sometimes, obtaining your consent is not necessary because we may use your personal information for our own legitimate interests, to fulfill a contract with you, or to comply with legal obligations imposed on us. For example, when you make online purchases, we process your information to fulfill our contractual obligations. When you visit our website, we have a legitimate interest in using your browsing data to improve the usability of our site, and when you engage with us online, we have a legal obligation to ensure that you are not attempting to defraud us or our customers.

  1. Sharing Your Personal Information

We may share your personal information with our affiliated companies and brands, with third parties who provide services to you or us, with promotional partners, with social media companies, or with other third parties as necessary to conduct our business or comply with a legal obligation.

  1. How We Protect Your Personal Information

We implement commercially reasonable and appropriate physical, administrative, and technical security measures to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. While we implement these security measures with respect to our Site, please note that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Your own conduct can dictate your level of protection. As such, we cannot guarantee the security of the personal information you transmit to us. You understand that any personal information you transfer to us is at your own risk.

Rest assured that we only disclose your personal information to unaffiliated third parties in the manner permitted by applicable laws or as described in this privacy policy. Additionally, if the disclosure of information provided in this privacy policy involves the transfer of information to territories outside your country of residence that do not have equivalent regulations regarding privacy protection obligations, we will ensure that the recipient provides an adequate level of protection for your personal information, and if such is not possible, we will seek your prior consent before proceeding with such a data transfer, specifying the purposes and the person with whom we intend to share the information.

  1. How We Store Your Personal Information

The personal information we collect is stored in Canada.

  1. Retention of Your Personal Information

When you place an order through the Site, we will retain your personal information in our records as long as it serves the purposes for which it was initially collected, as indicated in this privacy policy, or subsequently authorized, as required or justified to provide our Services, and for business continuity purposes, unless you request us to erase this information. We also retain information permitted or required under applicable laws to comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes, and enforce our rights and contractual agreements. If we are unable, for technical reasons, to delete certain information from our systems, we will inform you and take appropriate measures to prevent any further use of the data. We may use anonymized data indefinitely.

  1. International Visitors

The Site is hosted in Canada and is intended for users located in Canada. However, like almost all websites, our Site is accessible to international visitors. If you are located outside of Canada, please note that the information we collect, including personal information, will be transferred to, processed, and stored in Canada. The privacy laws in Canada may differ from those of the country where you are located, and your personal information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or law enforcement in Canada following Canadian laws. Additionally, this data may be stored on servers located outside your territory of residence and in jurisdictions that may have less stringent privacy practices than your own.

By using our Site or providing us with information, you consent to the transfer, processing, use, sharing, and storage of your information, including your personal information in Canada as outlined in